Monday, March 26, 2012

Full face Laser Resurfacing

The one procedure that can turn back the clock for your face and actually change the texture of your skin is the CO 2 laser resurfacing procedure. It's the most agressive of the facial lasers, but it gives you the greatest result as well. You can spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on milder laser treatments and still end up with less improvement than one treatment with the co2 laser. No question about it you look pretty rough for 10-14 days, but the result is well worth the sacrifice. The new skin is smooth and fresh. Come in and see some of our photos that are very helpful in explaining the whole process and the result you can expect.


  1. Really Good Post!!

    The Co2 Surgical Laser Applications was one of the first lasers to be introduced to the medical field about four decades ago, and is still one of the most useful and efficient medical lasers available in the market.

  2. Yes, CO2 laser resurfacing procedure is effective. It’s because the laser penetrates deeper in the skin, to the extent that it can kill dead cells underneath. Then, it stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin after the dead cells are gone. And yes, it is basically the process of replenishment.

    Gilda Sanchez

  3. Many people are undergoing laser resurfacing. And they have already seen and experienced its benefits.

    Laser resurfacing

  4. When you go through C02 laser resurfacing, your skin will most likely turn red after the surgery for quite a long time. But this effect is nothing when compared to the great result you’ll acquire soon after. :)

    Terry Bayer

  5. Buying cosmetic products and undergoing some mild laser treatment procedures may improve your skin’s texture and give you your desired result, but it may take time before you see the difference. In contrast, a laser resurfacing procedure can yield the results you want – younger and smoother skin – after only a single session.

    Marc Bryan

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