Monday, March 19, 2012


A patient came in to the office the other day and was very discouraged. She obviously took good care of herself--eating right, exercising, etc. But she said that not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask her if she got any sleep last night. Daily she gets comments about how tired she looks. Her problem is very heavy eyelids that make her look tired and even cranky. It's amazing how refreshed and rested and calm she looks with her lids pulled up. Upper eyelids can even be done in the office. Within a couple of weeks she'll look like she feels.

Do you have heavy eyelids?

1 comment:

  1. I want to get it done! I constantly look tired - dang droopy eyelids! Everybody I know who's had an eyelid lift looks immediately more refreshed and young. Such an easy fix for a big problem!
