Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Movie Star eyelashes!

Do you have eyelashes that are few and far between?   Lashes that you need special equipment to see?  So few that you have named them?    You ought to try Latisse by Allergan.    It really is the most wonderful thing to grow and darken lashes that's ever come along.  The girls in the office have been using it for about the last 6 months and we get questions all the time from patients about how they can get long eyelashes, like theirs, too.  You might think it's way too expensive, but it actually works out to about a dollar a day. The results are worth it and it really works.    Call for the details. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Stop Scowling!

Do people sometimes ask you who you're mad at?  When actually you're happy and content and feeling good about life. When you squint are your eyes surrounded by what seems like hundreds of little "smile" lines?  (which are nothing to smile about)  Have you considered Botox?    It's a non-surgical , no downtime, procedure that can make a really nice difference in the lines in your face.    We've all heard the horror stories of the stars who have had so much botox that their faces are smooth, but they look like zombies because there's no animation  in their faces.   Don't panic!   Botox done right, is a wonderful thing.   It can smooth out those scowl lines between your eyebrows that make you look like an "angry bird".   And lessen those lines around your eyes.  You will still have plenty of animation in your face.   You'll just look better and more relaxed.   Look more like you feel.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Protect your face from the sun!

Did you know that the number one thing that you can do to help your face stay young looking  is wearing a broad spectrum sun screen every day?   Even on overcast, cloudy days the sun can still cause microscopic damage to your skin.  Get in the habit of putting suncreen  on every day--don't even think about it--just do it.   Think of it as medicine that must be taken daily.  There are some wonderful ones out there now that work great under makeup.   It used to be that sunscreen made your makeup slide right off your face, but not any more.   Remember, too, that sunscreen needs to be reapplyed.   Many makeup bases now have sun screen in them, but an SPF 15 is not enough to do the job.  Use something in the 30 range to get better protection.   Sun screens that say water-proof are actually just water resistant.    After a lot of water exposure they need to be reapplied.   Also,  a cute hat on a really sunny day is just a fashion statement.  Protect your skin---you'll be glad you did!

Friday, June 1, 2012

LIposuction and swimming pools

Do you always wear a sarong or your husband's t-shirt over your suit?    Not really very glamorous but it does cover up problem areas.   wouldn't it be grand to feel comfortable and confident in you swimming suit?   Liposuction can be done on almost any area of the body.    There are few women alive who wouldn't benefit and love liposuction of their inner thighs.   Not having your thighs rub together is one of the greatest feelings in the world!   It's not too late to have liposuction done now and still have fun in the sun.  Don't suffer through another miserable year by the pool (under your "cover up".)   Consider liposuction.