Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Post op recovery after breast augmentation

We are often asked what to expect in the way of recovery after breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation tends to be uncomfortable for a week. You will be given oral pain medication as needed. Some people only need a little medication, others require it for a little longer. At a week most people are going about their daily activities and most have gone back to work. If you have a physical job where you are called upon to carry heavy things you may need a few more days before returning to work. Dr. Sellers usually doesn't have you wear a bra for three weeks post surgery. Women tend to consciously or unconsciously wear their bras where they always have. After augmentation the inframammary line (the indentation where the breast meets the chest wall) may have been lowered to accomodate the bigger breast. If one wears their bra where they have always worn it, the new implants may get pushed up in the pocket and become malpositioned. We usually have our patients wear a breast strap, which is a broad elastic band, over the top of the breasts to hold them down in the pockets until the new pocket has healed--usually about three weeks. After three weeks you may wear a bra or not depending on your preference. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but this is the usual recovery plan.


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