Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Arthritis And Your Hands

As we age, almost all of us get arthritis in one joint or other.   Some people seem to be cusrsed with some level of arthritis damage in almost all of their joints.   We see some older folks who have very little arthritic change in their hands and some 50'sh patients who have totally destroyed joints  all over.   There are several factors that influence this:  age, use paterns, other diseases, and of course there's that genetic thing. Whatever the cause, or even the severity of the damage be aware that there are things that can help with the loss of strength and motion, and the sometimes constant pain.   There is something that can be done for every joint of the hand.   If you were having arthritic trouble with your knee or hip, you'd think nothing of seeing an orthopedic surgeon for a knee or hip replacement.   But, somehow we don't think about putting a new joint in a painful , stiff finger or rebuilding that non-functioning base joint in the thumb.  You owe it to yourself to look in to the treatment of these challenging problems.   Just because you're getting older doesn't mean that you have to accept the diminshed  use and quality of life that functioning hands can offer. Come see Dr. Sellers.   Know what your options are.   Don't live with pain and loss of function needlessly.

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