Thursday, September 20, 2012

Laser resurfacing

Now that the summer's winding down and the sun's not so direct and hot, it's a great time to have that full face laser resurfacing.    Any time you have a laser you need to be very careful about the sun--using sunblock and sunscreen religiously for at least 6 months and hopefully the rest of your life.   (Sun damage is the number one factor in skin damage)  But, the fall and winter are great times to have that resurfacing done.   If you do it now you will look fabulous for the holidays.  Don't put it off.    For the rest of your life, your skin will always look better than it would have if you adn't done it.    

Also, really think about the skin care products that you put on your face.   They can make a tremendous difference in the quality of your skin over the years.   Products like retinols, hydroquinones, glycolics, peptides, hyaluronic acid etc. are all things that can help your skin.    You're going to put something on your face--why not come talk to one of our aestheticians and find out what would be best for your skin.


  1. Very good review on Laser resurfacing, I totally agree that this is the perfect timing for people who want to undergo this procedure. Looking forward for your next post.

  2. Surely, you are right with this point. I think individuals who want to have this procedure, should do this in this time of the year. Thanks a lot for sharing this post.
    Laser Skin Resurfacing NYC
